My informative speech was alright. I think it was better than my first speech because I was not as nervous and I liked having a visual aide in front of me. I had more eye contact in this speech than in my last one, but I could still do a lot more. When I do look up, I didn't really make eye contact with people in the room, my eyes just sort of wandered around the room. I need to work on looking at my classmates more. I looked at the powerpoint more than I should have. My enthusiam was definitely lacking in this speech. I sound bored and like I really don't want to be there. I could use more hand gestures and talk a little louder to make the speech more interesting. Also, I didn't have a hook at the beginning of my speech. Next time, I need to use something to get the attention of my classmates and make them want to hear more of what I am going to say.