Monday, January 25, 2010


An anecdote is a humorous story. An example from modern day television is the show Two and a Half Men. It is a sitcom that follows a man named Charlie, his brother Alan, and Alan's son, Jake. Charlie's free life becomes complicated when Alan gets divorced, so he and Jake move in with Charlie. The sitcom has a simple, humorous plot that is made into hundreds of episodes of the entire series.


Satire is frequently used in the novel Animal Farm. Satire is a literary genre trying to create change through humor. In Animal Farm, Napolean seeks to destroy humans. In the end, he becomes exactly what he tried to destroy the entire novel.


In Scary Movie, it follows the plot of the movie, Scream. The point of the several Scary Movies is to make fun of scary movies in a very dramatic way. They point out the improbable situations using physical and exaggerated humor. In the first Scary Movie, most of the film follows and makes fun of the plot of Scream.


Parody is imitation. In a Sprite commercial, they ran a series of ads for other fake drinks, which had actual or fictional celebrities endorsing the product. It implied that these other drinks have endorsements that don't really quench one's thirst. Sprite decided to imitate other commercials to make the point that whoever represents the drink, it does not get rid of your thirst.

Friday, January 22, 2010

My name is Lauren Shafer. I am 16 years old, and I go to Anderson High School. I was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, and have lived here my whole life. I have one sister who is 20, and she is a sophomore at Miami University. I also want to go to Miami once i graduate. At Anderson, I am a part of the gymnastics team. I have been doing gymnastics since I was eight years old, so it's a big part of my life. I love to spend time with my friends and Hawaii is my favorite place in the world.